Tips and Tricks to Make Bridal Mehndi Designs

Every bride wishes her mehndi is dark and beautiful. Indian weddings and bridal mehndi designs go hand in hand. The designs are majorly lacy and intricate. It consists of a peacock, initials of the groom and so on. Have you ever thought how to get that dark red color for your bridal mehndi designs? Well, there are some simple tips you can consider to make your henna or mehndi dark and attractive at the same time.

Let It Dry for A Longer Time

Some people do not like the smell of mehndi and decide to wash it off early. However, if you want that dark red color, then keeping it to dry for a longer period it highly recommended. Ensure you wash off the henna after 7–8 hours or even longer than that. When talking about washing, ensure you do not use water. You can just scrape it with your finger or by rubbing your palms together. Though the color might not be that red at first, as the time goes by, the rich dark red color develops. Mehndi tends to darken when exposed to air. Do not use soap directly.

Lemon and Sugar Mixture Works Wonders

Once the mehndi designs are dried up, you are advised to make a mixture of lemon juice and sugar. This tip works wonders. It needs to be applied by dipping a cotton ball into the mixture and applying it once the henna is dried. Not many know, but sugar helps in keeping the mehndi in contact with the skin for better color. While lemon juice, on the other hand, works as a catalyst and offers a deep penetration of the color.

Wrap Up the Design

It is often believed that wrapping up your bridal mehndi designs help in offering rich and dark color. However, there are instances where you might ruin the beautiful design too. Taking this aspect into consideration, how about asking your mehndi artist in Ahmedabad to get this done for you.The expert knows it better and will take all the necessary precaution to ensure the design is not ruined in any way possible.

Run Your Hands Over Clove Fumes

For impressive penetration of your wonderful mehndi designs ensure you run your hands over clove fumes. This needs to be done after you apply the lemon and sugar mixture. After this, you can consider scrapping the mehndi or even remove it the next morning. You can seek some help from professional mehndi home services on how to do this aspect.

Well, these are some tips you need to consider to get dark and rich color for bridal mehndi designs. Hire professional home beauty services which will offer beautiful mehndi designs for your special day.